Housing DOMAIN
Chapter 6 of the Teen Transition Planning Guide contains several “Key Domains”; these are different areas of a teen’s and family’s life that will likely need to be explored at some point in a family’s journey.
Here, our “Domain” pages list ALL of the resources on this website that are related to each specific domain. This information is a duplicate of the SAME information listed on other pages, such as on the Local Community page, or the “Province and National” pages, etc. It is duplicated here for convenience of being able to see all information sorted by domain.
To us “Housing” means the living arrangements and caregiver arrangements for the youth with special needs. This may include:
- independent living,
- supported living,
- group homes, or
- cooperative housing.
Vela Microboard Association of BC assist families to set up microboards and stay connected to other families. A Vela microboard comes out of the person centered planning philosophy and is therefore created for the sole support of one individual.phone: 604-575-2588 www.microboard.org.
Community Options is a welcoming, innovative organization that is rooted in the
community. We provide Home Sharing services (amongst other services). Home
sharing is a residential option in which an adult with a developmental disability
shares a home with someone who is contracted by Community Options to provide
ongoing support.
Integra Support Services in a CARF accredited organization which provides Home
Sharing supports for persons with disabilities to live an adult life with support
required to meet their daily needs and allow for a level of independence that makes
sense for the individual.
Shekinah Homes Society is a CARF accredited agency whose purpose is to support
adults with developmental disabilities as respected and valued members of society
by ensuring they have opportunities for personal growth and self determination.