Chapter 6 of the Teen Transition Planning Guide contains several “Key Domains”; these are different areas of a teen’s and family’s life that will likely need to be explored at some point in a family’s journey.

Here, our “Domain” pages list ALL of the resources on this website that are related to each specific domain.  This information is a duplicate of the SAME information listed on other pages, such as on the Local Community page, or the “Province and National” pages, etc.  It is duplicated here for convenience of being able to see all information sorted by domain.

To us “Health” means all of the people that are involved in the health and wellness of the person with special needs. Health includes preventative health care, diet, exercise and support for ongoing medical issues.


Developmental Disability Mental Health Team (DDMHT) provides non-crisis mental health services for individuals 14 years and older with a demonstrated developmental disability, mental health issue, challenging behaviour and or substance misuse. Youth/adults must be registered with CLBC or MCFD CYSN program. phone 250-519-3519.