
If it takes a village to raise a child, then MANY different people will need to work together to accomplish that shared vision.  We believe that true collaboration is essential for any community to create successful Transition Planning for any individual.

~ What if all service providers in a community worked together to serve a child or family?

~ What if parents could go to any ONE agency and find information and links back to other agencies?

~ What if information was being presented to parents and service providers in a well coordinated manner every month?

~ What if the resources and information were coordinated to fit into a larger “plan” that families were following?

~ What if parents could easily find the specialized services and information related to Transition Planning?

Until now, Transition Planning has been an exceptionally challenging task, both for the parents AND for the service providers.  However, through collaboration, and the combined tools and resources of the Teen Transition Planning System, it doesn’t have to be that way.  We CAN work together, and we CAN build communities that offer real and meaningful transitional supports to families in need.

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